Complete SBU's innovative degree in missions
Are you interested in serving in cross-cultural ministry abroad or in the U.S.? SBU's unique missions degree will equip you with both academic training and practical experience needed for long-term service in a cross-cultural setting.
SBU was a pioneer in offering a missions program with a six-month semester abroad experience as a degree requirement component. You will work under the direction of an expert in cross-cultural ministry, gaining experience in ministry, language acquisition, and cultural acclimation.
You will also complete a minor (or second major) in a subject area of your choice as part of your degree to equip you with a marketable skill needed when entering a restricted country or when pursuing bivocational ministry. Options include: business management, computer science, education, English as a second language, health care, sports management, social work or another subject of your choice.
The Intercultural Studies degree is offered through SBU's College of Arts and Sciences.
of this kind
(SBU's Missions program is the first program of its kind in the United States.)